
Ask Dr Nat

Dr Nat can give you advice on your pets health conditions and best treatment options. She can help with issues you may be aware of as well as check for any other signs of a problem.

Quick One-On-One Consult

For those who would like to get in depth answers


Video call or chat over the phone, whichever you prefer

All animals dogs, cats, horses, farm animals etc.

Just like a normal vet consult with history discussed, assessment and treatment plan

You can provide xrays, blood results, photos or videos

Pre payment is required to secure your booking.

Extended One-On-One Consult

For in-depth, complex cases needing extra time


Video call or chat over the phone, whichever you prefer

All animals dogs, cats, horses, farm animals etc.

Ideal for cases where your pet has seen multiple practitioners without resolution or has an ongoing condition requiring detailed discussion and planning.

You can provide xrays, blood results, photos or videos

Pre payment is required to secure your booking.

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Quick Email Question

Great option for a single quick question


Get a reply within 24 hours*

All animals dogs, cats, horses, farm animals etc.

No appointment is required. Once payment is processed your question will be with Dr Nat immediately.

Pre payment is required to secure your booking.

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Dr Nat can help with…

Nutrition & Food Therapy

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” said Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Dr Nat is passionate about feeding pets a species-appropriate diet. Correcting this alone can improve many chronic conditions immensely.

Behaviour & Training

Dr Nat is passionate about a holistic approach to health and believes it’s important to treat the whole pet. Unfortunately many pets suffer from anxiety and behaviour issues. Often unbeknownst to their owners. This leads to stress and can majorly impact on pets immune systems, leading to chronic health issues.

Natural Pest Prevention

Preventing unwanted critters on our pets is really important especially when it come to paralysis ticks! However, it’s also important to weigh up your individual pets risk and decide weather they need constant treatment with preventative chemicals or weather this can be or should minimalised depending on your pets health.

Chronic Health Issues

Western medicine is somewhat limited when it comes to chronic diseases such as skin allergies, arthritis, gut disease, canine cognitive dysfunction, heart, kidney and pancreatic disease as well as cancer. This is where natural medicine really gets its moment to shine. If you don’t want your pet on prescription medicine for the rest of its life or would like to limit the side effects of long term medication then considering a holistic approach may be very beneficial.

Integrated Holistic Care

Dr Nat uses an integrated holistic approach which includes all the regular veterinary medical options along with other modalities. These include Western herbal medicine, essential oils, homoeopathy, acupuncture and massage, nutrition and even CBD oil.

Therapeutic Essential Oils

Essential oils are a speciality of Dr Nat’s. They are the lifeblood of plants however they are extremely powerful. It’s essential that one gets the quality and dilution right when using an essential oil, especially on small sensitive creatures. Dr Nat can tailor-make essential oil blends for your pet and their specific needs. Or if you have your own quality essential oils; she can design a recipe for you to use your own oils to create your own blend for your pet.


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